Colour Your World From The Inside Out
Hangeable, Wearable, Inspirational Art

Some of my work is done in series when inspired by particular feelings, circumstances or current events.
moon and dove series
At times I have felt overwhelmed by the darkness and harshness of our world. I was inspired to create this series because of the lightbringers of the world. The people who see real beauty, the people who share their gifts and help uplift those who feel the real struggle of being human. This series is dedicated to the artists, healers, and lovers of the world that never give up on spreading their light and love, their kindness and compassion, their hope that we can all be healed and become the best version of ourselves. The moon symbolizes divine feminin energy, the dove symbolizes peace and the lantern symbolizes the ever presence of our inner light.
These 3 pieces were created using tempera paint, soft pastels and encaustic hot wax medium.
Mini winter scene series